To remove WooCommerce breadcrumbs navigation from your shop & product pages is quite simple!
In this tutorial we’ll give you 2 options to remove them… 1 using custom code that you can add to your functions.php file and another option using the StoreCustomizer plugin.
Remove WooCommerce breadcrumbs using code
To use your own code to remove WooCommerce breadcrumbs, it is advised to use a child theme of your current theme, if you’re not already, as that way when you update your theme you won’t lose any of these custom changes you’ve made.
Add the following PHP code to your child themes functions.php file and that will remove all breadcrumbs from your WooCommerce pages.
remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_main_content', 'woocommerce_breadcrumb' );
OR, if you’d like to remove it only from the WooCommerce Product Pages
if (is_product()) {
remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_main_content', 'woocommerce_breadcrumb' );
Remove WooCommerce breadcrumbs using StoreCustomizer
The other option, if you’re not very comfortable jumping into the code yourself, is to use a plugin like our StoreCustomizer plugin.
StoreCustomizer offers these as built in settings within the WordPress Customizer and you can easily remove them for Shop and/or Product pages as you want.
Using StoreCustomizer, simply navigate to the WordPress Customizer -> StoreCustomizer -> WooCommerce Shop Page.
There, at the top you’ll find the setting to Remove Shop Page Breadcrumbs.

And for the Product pages, you can navigate to Customize -> StoreCustomizer -> WooCommerce Product Page and turn on the setting to remove the breadcrumbs from the WooCommerce product pages.