We’ve created a few different types of shortcodes available to use in the StoreCustomizer Custom Thank You pages. We give you the option of adding the summary and details blocks that are offered on the default Order Received page, as well as each item individually for when you are building a fully custom Thank You Page with Gutenberg, Elementor or any other page builder you prefer.
StoreCustomizer Shortcodes:
This shortcode will display the order summary as displayed on the default WooCommerce Order Received page.
If the Payment Method is/was Direct Bank Transfer, then this shortcode will also display the Bank Details saved in the WooCommerce settings.
This shortcode does not accept any arguments.

If Payment method is BACS (Direct Bank Transfer) & the details are saved in the WooCommerce settings

This shortcode will display full order details for the order as displayed on the default WooCommerce Order Received page.
This shortcode does not accept any arguments.

This shortcode will display the customer details as displayed on the default WooCommerce Order Received page. It will show the Billing and Shipping addresses, as well as the customer phone number and email address.
This attribute only accepts the word “off”… If set to ‘off’, this will remove the shipping address from the shortcode
If not set, or set to anything else, then the shipping address will show
This attribute only accepts the word “off”… If set to ‘off’, this will remove the billing address from the shortcode
If not set, or set to anything else, then the billing address will show

This shortcode will display the customers First Name.
This shortcode does not accept any arguments.
This shortcode will display the customers Last Name.
This shortcode does not accept any arguments.
This shortcode will display the customers First Name and Last Name together as one element.
This shortcode does not accept any arguments.
This shortcode will display the customers billing email address.
This shortcode does not accept any arguments.
This shortcode will display the order number for the customers order.
This shortcode does not accept any arguments.
This shortcode will display the total amount for the customers order.
This shortcode does not accept any arguments.
This shortcode will display the date that the customers order was processed on.
This shortcode does not accept any arguments.
This shortcode will display the selected payment method that your user chose to purchase your products.
This shortcode does not accept any arguments.
Are you needing more Shortcodes?